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Here are some of the good to know things. If you have more questions or need help please contact us.

How do accounts work in Syntvi?

OOur account system is pretty close to a regular one. The steps you go through in order to create an account are simple and standard. Once created, the account is then divided into profiles, each of them made available by staking a pair of a Syntvi and a Syntcraft NFT.

What are the profiles?

Profiles are fragments of your account's identity. They are focused on the Syntvi you chose to stake to create the profile. Once staked, the profile gets burned into our game system. They are transferrable, so whoever owns a particular Syntvi NFT will also own the profile attached to it.

How do profiles work?

When you first stake a Syntvi NFT, a profile is created in a locked state. In order to be able to unlock and access the profile you also need to stake a Syntcraft NFT. This is necessary because the data stored in the two assets is responsible for most of the game interface. Unstaking any of the two NFTs will lock the profile again.

What data is transferred with the profile?

Apart from the data related to the Syntvi NFT itself, like its preferred ability, we also transfer the entire Ability Stack. This creates opportunity to play with different Syntvi setups and grow their value over time. Players can list their assets for sale, and for others to get a head start into the game.

How do duels work?

Our duel gameplay has two components: Preparation and Skill. The first refers to activities players can do before a duel which can affect the outcome, such as ability upgrading. The second refers to the player's talent to complete Q-IDLE puzzles on the spot and use the earned abilities in the most efficient way.

What are the Ability Cards?

After the player completes a puzzle, they receive an ability, which is an action that can be applied to the opponent or to the player themselves. Based on their respective categories, it is pretty easy to understand what each ability can do. Currently, we offer Damage, Heal, Trap, Taunt, Buff, Sabotage and Special abilities.

What is the Q-IDLE puzzle?

We thought of a fun and easy to understand task that players can complete in real time in order to obtain ability cards. The puzzle is composed of a 5x5 grid and four pairs of two connectors each. The goal of the puzzle is for players to form connections between the two connectors in each pair without any overlaps.

How do I win?

The goal of each duel is for the player to be the last one standing. This happens by damaging your opponent up until they are left without Health Points. Depending on the game mode you chose to play, each duel might have a different duration and set of rewards at its end.

What Game Modes are there?

We currently offer three game modes. The most special one is the Competitive Mode, where there's an element of risk attached to the opportunity to earn. Then there's the Casual Mode, where users do not stand to lose any of their tokens, and the Friendly Mode where you can fight against your gang.

How do I get tokens?

Our Syntlab collection powers up hives, which in turn produce tokens. We have an advanced Pairing System which allows players to match traits between Syntlabs in order to boost their token generators. Tokens are produced once per a cycle of 24 hours. Damage incurred by the Syntcraft in a duel will lower the that output considerably.

How does the Competitive Mode work?

Each player has a rank that places them in a league with players of similar skill level. Each victory helps the player advance through leagues. This progression increases the stakes the player is duelling for, which means both more risk and more rewards.

How do I sell my NFTs?

In order to trade one of your NFTs, first you need to unstake them. However, please note that unstaking the Syntvi or the Syntcraft attached to a profile will lock it. Furthermore, trading a Syntvi also transfers the profile attached to that asset to its new owner. While listed on the marketplace, your NFTs will remain parked in the NFT Garage.